posted 06-01-2012 10:50 AM
Dan:Flattering, but hardly true - though it would might be fun to be a demigod for about an hour or so.
Your more general comments are on point, regarding getting a pass on tough questions.
Jamie did ask questions, and I also believe he did already provide others with his answer (as Mark suggested). Critical analysis is helpful - even from competitors.
As to sidestepping the question: I participate in this forum as an individual - and the things I say and do here should be considered my opinion and not the views of the APA or LIC. Despite that there is still a tendency for views and opinions to be perceived and interpreted as a reflection of a broader group. So I want to be careful to avoid that.
I think it is clear that my personal (non-professional) opinion on matters of engineering and technology are not adequate.
I just replaced the catalytic converter on my Nissan and I'll admit I did a sloppy soldering job and taped a couple of wires on part of the wiring loom connected to an oxygen sensor. To me the he purpose of the electrical tape is to provide both electrical insulation and structural support (I tape the wiring loom to a secure point). Maybe my standards are low, and maybe I am a cheap bastard for not taking it to the shop to have it done. OK. I'll put another 50K on the Nissan either way.
Anyway some questions I can answer and some I cannot. I cannot speak to the details of the circuit change, and have only general information.
I think there is nothing wrong - if you think the construction should be different - in telling that to LIC.
I can tell you that since 2007 the new EDA circuit has existed on the main board.
I don't know the details or deficiencies of the old or new circuits.
As I recall the instrument I used from another manufacturer was also subject to a modification to the EDA circuit - it was, as I understood, to improve the range of sensitivity. Does that mean the circuit was defective? Not necessarily. It does means an improvement was developed and made available.
As I understand it, the new circuit in the LX 4K was intended to provide better sensitivity. I do not know why the modification was not made to the main PCB board.
Dan, I thought your earlier questions were in part serious and in part so obvious that they were perhaps not serious. You and Jamie have asked tough questions, and they should be answered. My point is that I am not the correct person to answer some of these questions.
I'll continue to try to get information and answers, but you have to keep in mind that I am still participating in this forum as an individual and my views and opinions are not necessarily those of the APA or LIC.
My big interest is in the profession and the contribution we make. The long term effectiveness of the profession should remain the main concern. In the end that will be best for all of us - individuals, communities, nations, and various business interests.
It is a good conversation, and I hope we can continue to discuss these things.

"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."
--(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)